上一章節(jié):Lesson 3 We all look different! 上一頁|下一頁 下一章節(jié):Lesson 5 About-me card
Unit 1 New school, new beginning!
Lesson 1 Hello!
Lesson 2 Let me show you around!
Lesson 3 Look at the photo!
Lesson 4 My school days
Lesson 5 I like my school!
Two great teachers
Unit 2 Learning English is fun!
Lesson 1 How do you like English?
Lesson 2 Amazing English
Lesson 3 Food words are interesting!
Lesson 4 l Colours and feelings
Lesson 5 Tips for learning English
British or American English?
Unit 3 All about me
Lesson 1 Me and my body
Lesson 2 How do you feel?
Lesson 3 We all look different!
Lesson 4 What do you like to do?
Lesson 5 About-me card
An interview
Unit 4 My family
Lesson 1 My family photo
Lesson 2 A family picnic
Lesson 3 Grandma's birthday party
Lesson 4 A birthday card
Lesson 5 l love my family!
Chinese and English names
Unit 5 Animal friends
Lesson 1 I'd like to have a pet!
Lesson 2 The rhino and the egret
Lesson 3 At the zoo
Lesson 4 My favourite animal
Lesson 5 Save the tigers!
lnteresting animals
Unit 6 Let's go!
Lesson 1 On the way to the bookstore
Lesson 2 At the museum
Lesson 3 Our shopping list
Lesson 4 What would you like?
Lesson 5 My favourite place
Museums around the world
Unit 7 Days and months
Lesson 1 Talking with Zack
Lesson 2 Winter in Harbin
Lesson 3 Special days
Lesson 4 Happy holidays!
Lesson 5 The colourful seasons
We have many holidays!
Unit 8 Knowing the world
Lesson 1 Where are you from?
Lesson 2 My home country
Lesson 3 Different landscapes
Lesson 4 Same time, different weather
Lesson 5 A profile of Thailand
The earth-our only home
Lesson 1 Hello!
Lesson 2 Let me show you around!
Lesson 3 Look at the photo!
Lesson 4 My school days
Lesson 5 I like my school!
Two great teachers
Unit 2 Learning English is fun!
Lesson 1 How do you like English?
Lesson 2 Amazing English
Lesson 3 Food words are interesting!
Lesson 4 l Colours and feelings
Lesson 5 Tips for learning English
British or American English?
Unit 3 All about me
Lesson 1 Me and my body
Lesson 2 How do you feel?
Lesson 3 We all look different!
Lesson 4 What do you like to do?
Lesson 5 About-me card
An interview
Unit 4 My family
Lesson 1 My family photo
Lesson 2 A family picnic
Lesson 3 Grandma's birthday party
Lesson 4 A birthday card
Lesson 5 l love my family!
Chinese and English names
Unit 5 Animal friends
Lesson 1 I'd like to have a pet!
Lesson 2 The rhino and the egret
Lesson 3 At the zoo
Lesson 4 My favourite animal
Lesson 5 Save the tigers!
lnteresting animals
Unit 6 Let's go!
Lesson 1 On the way to the bookstore
Lesson 2 At the museum
Lesson 3 Our shopping list
Lesson 4 What would you like?
Lesson 5 My favourite place
Museums around the world
Unit 7 Days and months
Lesson 1 Talking with Zack
Lesson 2 Winter in Harbin
Lesson 3 Special days
Lesson 4 Happy holidays!
Lesson 5 The colourful seasons
We have many holidays!
Unit 8 Knowing the world
Lesson 1 Where are you from?
Lesson 2 My home country
Lesson 3 Different landscapes
Lesson 4 Same time, different weather
Lesson 5 A profile of Thailand
The earth-our only home
- 八年級化學(xué)全一冊(2024版)
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- 八年級化學(xué)全一冊(2024版)
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- 蘇教版八年級上冊語文
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- 高三英語選擇性必修 第四冊
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- 高一英語必修 第二冊
- 高一數(shù)學(xué)必修 第二冊
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- 高三語文選修 中國新詩選讀
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- 高一數(shù)學(xué)必修 第二冊
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- 高二思想政治選擇性必修1 當(dāng)代國際政治與經(jīng)濟(部編版)
- 高一歷史必修1
- 高二數(shù)學(xué)選擇性必修 第一冊
- 《【中呂】山坡羊_自嘆南山空》
- 《【雙調(diào)】清江引_詠秋日海棠》
- 《【雙調(diào)】快活年_裊裊婷婷似》
- 《雜劇·西游記·第六本》
- 《【雙調(diào)】新水令_代馬訴冤世》
- 《【黃鐘】人月圓_春日次韻羅》
- 《【雙調(diào)】雁兒落過得勝令_懶栽番岳花》
- 《【雙調(diào)】新水令 春日閨思》
- 《【黃鐘】醉花陰北》
- 《【雙調(diào)】雁兒落過得勝令 閑居》
- 《【仙呂】點疑絳唇》
- 《【黃鐘】啄木兒》
- 《【仙呂】一半兒_四景輕衫短》
- 《【越調(diào)】天凈沙_書所見窺簾》
- 《【中呂】粉蝶兒_驕馬金鞭,》
- 《【雙調(diào)】湘妃怨_樂閑吹簫按》
- 《【商調(diào)】望遠(yuǎn)行》
- 《【雙調(diào)】新水令_閨麗繡閨深》
- 《【雙調(diào)】清江引_黃閣百年如》
- 《【中呂】喬捉蛇》
- 《【雙調(diào)】沉醉東風(fēng)_緣結(jié)來生凈》
- 《【雙調(diào)】湘妃怨_楚天空闊楚》
- 《【南呂】金字經(jīng)_湖上小隱老》
- 《【南呂】一枝花》
- 《摸魚兒·東洲桃浪,瀟湘小八景詞之三》
- 《生查子·旅思》
- 《浣溪沙·初夏》
- 《畫堂春·雨中杏花》
- 《憶江南·歌起處》
- 《臨江仙·滾滾長江東逝水》
- 〖黃河〗 “黃河落天走東海,萬里寫入胸懷間。”
- 〖黃河〗 “黃河清有日,白發(fā)黑無緣!
- 〖黃河〗 “黃河直北千余里,冤氣蒼茫成黑云。”
- 〖黃河〗 “斬胡血變黃河水,梟首當(dāng)懸白鵲旗。”
- 〖黃河〗 “蕃州部落能結(jié)束,朝暮馳獵黃河曲。”
- 〖黃河〗 “寄泣須寄黃河泉,此中怨聲流徹天!
- 〖黃河〗 “愿銜眾禽翼,一向黃河飛。”
- 〖黃河〗 “黃河三尺鯉,本在孟津居!
- 〖黃河〗 “大漠孤煙直,長河落日圓!
- 〖兒童〗 “草鋪橫野六七里,笛弄晚風(fēng)三四聲。”
- 〖兒童〗 “一葉漁船兩小童,收篙停棹坐船中!
- 〖兒童〗 “最喜小兒亡賴,溪頭臥剝蓮蓬。”
- 〖兒童〗 “敲成玉磬穿林響,忽作玻璃碎地聲!
- 〖兒童〗 “兒童急走追黃蝶,飛入菜花無處尋。”
- 〖兒童〗 “蓬頭稚子學(xué)垂綸,側(cè)坐莓苔草映身。”
- 〖兒童〗 “兒童相見不相識,笑問客從何處來!
- 〖兒童〗 “小娃撐小艇,偷采白蓮回。”
- 〖兒童〗 “繞池閑步看魚游,正值兒童弄釣舟!
- 〖兒童〗 “見人初解語嘔啞,不肯歸眠戀小車。”
- 〖兒童〗 “小童疑是有村客,急向柴門去卻關(guān)。”
- 〖兒童〗 “重重疊疊上瑤臺,幾度呼童掃不開!
- 〖兒童〗 “童孫未解供耕織,也傍桑陰學(xué)種瓜。”
- 〖兒童〗 “童子柳陰眠正著,一牛吃過柳蔭西!
- 〖兒童〗 “兒童散學(xué)歸來早,忙趁東風(fēng)放紙鳶。”
- 〖兒童〗 “牧童騎黃牛,歌聲振林樾!
- 〖兒童〗 “騎牛遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)過前村,短笛橫吹隔隴聞!
- 〖寫鳥〗 “鳥飛反故鄉(xiāng)兮,狐死必首丘。”
- 〖寫馬〗 “竹馬踉蹡沖淖去,紙鳶跋扈挾風(fēng)鳴。”
- 〖寫馬〗 “揮手自茲去,蕭蕭班馬鳴!
- 〖寫馬〗 “好水好山看不足,馬蹄催趁月明歸。”