上一章節(jié):Lesson 4 My school days 上一頁|下一頁 下一章節(jié):Two great teachers
Unit 1 New school, new beginning!
Lesson 1 Hello!
Lesson 2 Let me show you around!
Lesson 3 Look at the photo!
Lesson 4 My school days
Lesson 5 I like my school!
Two great teachers
Unit 2 Learning English is fun!
Lesson 1 How do you like English?
Lesson 2 Amazing English
Lesson 3 Food words are interesting!
Lesson 4 l Colours and feelings
Lesson 5 Tips for learning English
British or American English?
Unit 3 All about me
Lesson 1 Me and my body
Lesson 2 How do you feel?
Lesson 3 We all look different!
Lesson 4 What do you like to do?
Lesson 5 About-me card
An interview
Unit 4 My family
Lesson 1 My family photo
Lesson 2 A family picnic
Lesson 3 Grandma's birthday party
Lesson 4 A birthday card
Lesson 5 l love my family!
Chinese and English names
Unit 5 Animal friends
Lesson 1 I'd like to have a pet!
Lesson 2 The rhino and the egret
Lesson 3 At the zoo
Lesson 4 My favourite animal
Lesson 5 Save the tigers!
lnteresting animals
Unit 6 Let's go!
Lesson 1 On the way to the bookstore
Lesson 2 At the museum
Lesson 3 Our shopping list
Lesson 4 What would you like?
Lesson 5 My favourite place
Museums around the world
Unit 7 Days and months
Lesson 1 Talking with Zack
Lesson 2 Winter in Harbin
Lesson 3 Special days
Lesson 4 Happy holidays!
Lesson 5 The colourful seasons
We have many holidays!
Unit 8 Knowing the world
Lesson 1 Where are you from?
Lesson 2 My home country
Lesson 3 Different landscapes
Lesson 4 Same time, different weather
Lesson 5 A profile of Thailand
The earth-our only home
Lesson 1 Hello!
Lesson 2 Let me show you around!
Lesson 3 Look at the photo!
Lesson 4 My school days
Lesson 5 I like my school!
Two great teachers
Unit 2 Learning English is fun!
Lesson 1 How do you like English?
Lesson 2 Amazing English
Lesson 3 Food words are interesting!
Lesson 4 l Colours and feelings
Lesson 5 Tips for learning English
British or American English?
Unit 3 All about me
Lesson 1 Me and my body
Lesson 2 How do you feel?
Lesson 3 We all look different!
Lesson 4 What do you like to do?
Lesson 5 About-me card
An interview
Unit 4 My family
Lesson 1 My family photo
Lesson 2 A family picnic
Lesson 3 Grandma's birthday party
Lesson 4 A birthday card
Lesson 5 l love my family!
Chinese and English names
Unit 5 Animal friends
Lesson 1 I'd like to have a pet!
Lesson 2 The rhino and the egret
Lesson 3 At the zoo
Lesson 4 My favourite animal
Lesson 5 Save the tigers!
lnteresting animals
Unit 6 Let's go!
Lesson 1 On the way to the bookstore
Lesson 2 At the museum
Lesson 3 Our shopping list
Lesson 4 What would you like?
Lesson 5 My favourite place
Museums around the world
Unit 7 Days and months
Lesson 1 Talking with Zack
Lesson 2 Winter in Harbin
Lesson 3 Special days
Lesson 4 Happy holidays!
Lesson 5 The colourful seasons
We have many holidays!
Unit 8 Knowing the world
Lesson 1 Where are you from?
Lesson 2 My home country
Lesson 3 Different landscapes
Lesson 4 Same time, different weather
Lesson 5 A profile of Thailand
The earth-our only home
- 八年級化學全一冊(2024版)
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- 八年級化學全一冊(2024版)
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- 六年級語文上冊(2024版)(部編版)
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- 人教版七年級上冊英語
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- 人教版數(shù)學八年級上冊
- 蘇教版三年級下冊語文
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- 蘇教版八年級上冊語文
- 北師大版七年級下冊數(shù)學
- 高一英語必修2
- 高一物理必修 第一冊
- 高三英語選擇性必修 第三冊
- 高三數(shù)學社會調(diào)查與數(shù)據(jù)分析(選修 C類)
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- 高一英語必修 第三冊
- 高一英語必修 第一冊
- 高一英語必修 第二冊
- 高三數(shù)學應(yīng)用統(tǒng)計(選修 B類)
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- 高一英語必修 第一冊
- 高一化學必修 第二冊
- 高三英語選擇性必修 第四冊
- 高三數(shù)學概率與統(tǒng)計(選修 A類)
- 高一英語必修 第二冊
- 高三化學選擇性必修3 有機化學基礎(chǔ)
- 高三英語選擇性必修 第四冊
- 高三語文中華傳統(tǒng)文化專題研討(部編版)
- 《失題·登天騎白龍》
- 《劍歌》
- 《杜鵑花·杜鵑花發(fā)杜》
- 《對酒》
- 《中元節(jié)自黃浦出吳淞泛海》
- 《獄中題壁》
- 《春愁》
- 《雜劇·關(guān)云長千里獨行》
- 《【中呂】山坡羊 書懷示友人》
- 《【中呂】陽春曲 贈茶肆》
- 《【越調(diào)】天凈沙 閑題》
- 《【南呂】一枝花_嘆秀英》
- 《【正宮】雙鴛鴦_樂府合歡曲》
- 《【中呂】古調(diào)石榴花》
- 《【越調(diào)】柳營曲_冬夜懷友暮》
- 《雜劇·施仁義劉弘嫁婢》
- 《【中呂】普天樂 答沈甥書》
- 《【雙調(diào)】河西六娘子》
- 《【中呂】陽春曲_秋思千山落》
- 《【黃鐘】紅錦袍_那老子彭澤》
- 《【雙調(diào)】落梅風_玉果山先上》
- 《【雙調(diào)】清江引_采薇首陽空》
- 《【雙調(diào)】清江引_張子堅席上》
- 《【中呂】上小樓_題情團圓未》
- 《【中呂】紅繡鞋》
- 《【商調(diào)】梧葉兒 釣臺》
- 《【越調(diào)】憑闌人_風燭功名魚》
- 《【仙呂】八聲甘州_平生放蕩,》
- 《【南呂】四塊玉_天臺路采藥》
- 《【中呂】紅繡鞋_鞋杯幫兒瘦》
- 〖寫景〗 “桃花流水窅然去,別有天地非人間!
- 〖寫景〗 “雙飛燕子幾時回,夾岸桃花蘸水開。”
- 〖寫景〗 “獨憐幽草澗邊生,上有黃鸝深樹鳴!
- 〖寫景〗 “花開紅樹亂鶯啼,草長平湖白鷺飛!
- 〖寫景〗 “三月殘花落更開,小檐日日燕飛來!
- 〖寫景〗 “飄飄何所似?天地一沙鷗!
- 〖寫景〗 “無可奈何花落去,似曾相識燕歸來。小園香徑獨徘徊。”
- 〖寫景〗 “明月別枝驚鵲,清風半夜鳴蟬!
- 〖寫景〗 “半壁見海日,空中聞天雞!
- 〖寫景〗 “草枯鷹眼疾,雪盡馬蹄輕!
- 〖寫景〗 “草長鶯飛二月天,拂堤楊柳醉春煙!
- 〖寫景〗 “驅(qū)雞上樹木,始聞叩柴荊!
- 〖寫景〗 “吊影分為千里雁,辭根散作九秋蓬。”
- 〖寫景〗 “孤云將野鶴,豈向人間住。”
- 〖寫景〗 “月出驚山鳥”
- 〖寫景〗 “千山鳥飛絕,萬徑人蹤滅!
- 〖寫景〗 “鳥宿池邊樹,僧敲月下門。”
- 〖寫景〗 “胡馬依北風,越鳥巢南枝!
- 〖寫景〗 “蟬噪林逾靜,鳥鳴山更幽!
- 〖寫景〗 “江雨霏霏江草齊,六朝如夢鳥空啼!
- 〖寫景〗 “山光悅鳥性,潭影空人心!
- 〖寫景〗 “蕩胸生層云,決眥入歸鳥!
- 〖寫景〗 “白發(fā)悲花落,青云羨鳥飛!
- 〖寫景〗 “風暖鳥聲碎,日高花影重!
- 〖寫景〗 “一路稻花誰是主,紅蜻蛉伴綠螳螂!
- 〖寫景〗 “小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上頭!
- 〖寫景〗 “今夜偏知春氣暖,蟲聲新透綠窗紗!
- 〖寫景〗 “穿花蛺蝶深深見,點水蜻蜓款款飛!
- 〖寫景〗 “銀燭秋光冷畫屏,輕羅小扇撲流螢!
- 〖夏天〗 “夜來南風起,小麥覆隴黃!