上一章節(jié):Lesson 5 A profile of Thailand 上一頁|
Unit 1 New school, new beginning!
Lesson 1 Hello!
Lesson 2 Let me show you around!
Lesson 3 Look at the photo!
Lesson 4 My school days
Lesson 5 I like my school!
Two great teachers
Unit 2 Learning English is fun!
Lesson 1 How do you like English?
Lesson 2 Amazing English
Lesson 3 Food words are interesting!
Lesson 4 l Colours and feelings
Lesson 5 Tips for learning English
British or American English?
Unit 3 All about me
Lesson 1 Me and my body
Lesson 2 How do you feel?
Lesson 3 We all look different!
Lesson 4 What do you like to do?
Lesson 5 About-me card
An interview
Unit 4 My family
Lesson 1 My family photo
Lesson 2 A family picnic
Lesson 3 Grandma's birthday party
Lesson 4 A birthday card
Lesson 5 l love my family!
Chinese and English names
Unit 5 Animal friends
Lesson 1 I'd like to have a pet!
Lesson 2 The rhino and the egret
Lesson 3 At the zoo
Lesson 4 My favourite animal
Lesson 5 Save the tigers!
lnteresting animals
Unit 6 Let's go!
Lesson 1 On the way to the bookstore
Lesson 2 At the museum
Lesson 3 Our shopping list
Lesson 4 What would you like?
Lesson 5 My favourite place
Museums around the world
Unit 7 Days and months
Lesson 1 Talking with Zack
Lesson 2 Winter in Harbin
Lesson 3 Special days
Lesson 4 Happy holidays!
Lesson 5 The colourful seasons
We have many holidays!
Unit 8 Knowing the world
Lesson 1 Where are you from?
Lesson 2 My home country
Lesson 3 Different landscapes
Lesson 4 Same time, different weather
Lesson 5 A profile of Thailand
The earth-our only home
Lesson 1 Hello!
Lesson 2 Let me show you around!
Lesson 3 Look at the photo!
Lesson 4 My school days
Lesson 5 I like my school!
Two great teachers
Unit 2 Learning English is fun!
Lesson 1 How do you like English?
Lesson 2 Amazing English
Lesson 3 Food words are interesting!
Lesson 4 l Colours and feelings
Lesson 5 Tips for learning English
British or American English?
Unit 3 All about me
Lesson 1 Me and my body
Lesson 2 How do you feel?
Lesson 3 We all look different!
Lesson 4 What do you like to do?
Lesson 5 About-me card
An interview
Unit 4 My family
Lesson 1 My family photo
Lesson 2 A family picnic
Lesson 3 Grandma's birthday party
Lesson 4 A birthday card
Lesson 5 l love my family!
Chinese and English names
Unit 5 Animal friends
Lesson 1 I'd like to have a pet!
Lesson 2 The rhino and the egret
Lesson 3 At the zoo
Lesson 4 My favourite animal
Lesson 5 Save the tigers!
lnteresting animals
Unit 6 Let's go!
Lesson 1 On the way to the bookstore
Lesson 2 At the museum
Lesson 3 Our shopping list
Lesson 4 What would you like?
Lesson 5 My favourite place
Museums around the world
Unit 7 Days and months
Lesson 1 Talking with Zack
Lesson 2 Winter in Harbin
Lesson 3 Special days
Lesson 4 Happy holidays!
Lesson 5 The colourful seasons
We have many holidays!
Unit 8 Knowing the world
Lesson 1 Where are you from?
Lesson 2 My home country
Lesson 3 Different landscapes
Lesson 4 Same time, different weather
Lesson 5 A profile of Thailand
The earth-our only home
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- 《郊廟歌辭·釋奠文宣王樂章·承和》
- 《郊廟歌辭·享先蠶樂章·絜誠》
- 〖思念〗 “勾引東風,也知芳思難禁。”
- 〖思念〗 “春色邊城動,客思故鄉(xiāng)來。”
- 〖思念〗 “眇眇孤舟逝,綿綿歸思紆。”
- 〖思念〗 “方舟安可極,離思故難任!”
- 〖思念〗 “憐君片云思,一棹去瀟湘!
- 〖思念〗 “萬種思量,多方開解,只恁寂寞厭厭地。”
- 〖思念〗 “丹砂成黃金,騎龍飛上太清家,云愁海思令人嗟!
- 〖思念〗 “所向泥活活,思君令人瘦。”
- 〖思念〗 “吳洲如見月,千里幸相思!
- 〖思念〗 “望家思獻壽,算甲恨長年!
- 〖思念〗 “心事孤山春夢在,到思量、猶斷詩魂!
- 〖思念〗 “短景歸秋,吟思又接愁邊!
- 〖思念〗 “相思只在夢魂中。今宵月,偏照小樓東。”
- 〖思念〗 “近寒食人家,相思未忘蘋藻香!
- 〖思念〗 “春風旍旗擁萬夫,幕下諸將思草枯!
- 〖思念〗 “莫嫌白發(fā)不思量,也須有、思量去里!
- 〖思念〗 “錦帶吳鉤,征思橫雁水。”
- 〖思念〗 “誰信多情道,相思漸覺詩狂少!
- 〖思念〗 “撩亂舞晴空,發(fā)人無限思!
- 〖思念〗 “一涓春水點黃昏,便沒頓、相思處!
- 〖思念〗 “鄉(xiāng)淚客中盡,孤帆天際看!
- 〖思念〗 “宦情羈思共凄凄,春半如秋意轉(zhuǎn)迷!
- 〖思念〗 “戍客望邊邑,思歸多苦顏!
- 〖思念〗 “兩處春光同日盡,居人思客客思家!
- 〖思念〗 “石溪久住思端午,館驛樓前看發(fā)機!
- 〖思念〗 “今朝北客思歸去,回入紇那披綠羅!
- 〖思念〗 “忘卻成都來十載,因君未免思量!
- 〖思念〗 “今年游寓獨游秦,愁思看春不當春!
- 〖思念〗 “客思似楊柳,春風千萬條!
- 〖思念〗 “纏綿思盡抽殘繭,宛轉(zhuǎn)心傷剝后蕉!