上一章節(jié):Preparing for the Topic 上一頁|下一頁 下一章節(jié):Developing the Topic
Unit1 Let's Be Friends!
Preparing for the Topic
Exploring the Topic
Developing the Topic
Wrapping up the Topic
Unit2 Meet My Family!
Preparing for the Topic
Exploring the Topic
Developing the Topic
Wrapping up the Topic
Unit3 Our Colorful School Life
Preparing for the Topic
Exploring the Topic
Developing the Topic
Wrapping up the Topic
Unit4 Fun in the Sun!
Preparing for the Topic
Exploring the Topic
Developing the Topic
Wrapping up the Topic
Unit5 Love Mother Nature!
Preparing for the Topic
Exploring the Topic
Developing the Topic
Wrapping up the Topic
Unit6 Celebrating the Big Days
Preparing for the Topic
Exploring the Topic
Developing the Topic
Wrapping up the Topic
Preparing for the Topic
Exploring the Topic
Developing the Topic
Wrapping up the Topic
Unit2 Meet My Family!
Preparing for the Topic
Exploring the Topic
Developing the Topic
Wrapping up the Topic
Unit3 Our Colorful School Life
Preparing for the Topic
Exploring the Topic
Developing the Topic
Wrapping up the Topic
Unit4 Fun in the Sun!
Preparing for the Topic
Exploring the Topic
Developing the Topic
Wrapping up the Topic
Unit5 Love Mother Nature!
Preparing for the Topic
Exploring the Topic
Developing the Topic
Wrapping up the Topic
Unit6 Celebrating the Big Days
Preparing for the Topic
Exploring the Topic
Developing the Topic
Wrapping up the Topic
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- 〖荷花〗 “池塘一夜秋風冷,吹散芰荷紅玉影。”
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- 〖菊花〗 “欲知卻老延齡藥,百草摧時始起花!
- 〖菊花〗 “明歲秋風知再會,暫時分手莫相思!