上一章節(jié):Lesson 7:Don't be late for class! 上一頁|下一頁 下一章節(jié):Lesson 9:I don't want to miss geography!
Unit 1:Me and my class
Lesson 1:Back to school
Lesson 2:Many faces, one picture
Lesson 3:Getting to know you!
Lesson 4:Best friends
Lesson5:Meet Ms. Liu
Lesson 6:Jenny's week
Review:Unit Review
Unit 2:My favourite school subject
Lesson 7:Don't be late for class!
Lesson 8:E-mails helps!
Lesson 9:I don't want to miss geography!
Lesson 10:Looking for Lisa
Lesson 11:Lily learns about China!
Lesson 12:Karen's hair stood up!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 3:Families celebrate together
Lesson 13:I love autumn
Lesson 14:Happy memories
Lesson 15:A present for Li Ming
Lesson 16:Happy Thanksgiving!
Lesson 17:Presents from Canada!
Lesson 18:Li Ming's birthday
Review:Unit Review
Unit 4:My neighbourhood
Lesson 19:The best neighbourhood
Lesson 20:No stopping!
Lesson 21:Eat a donut and turn right
Lesson 22:I like my neighbourhood
Lesson 23:People in my neighbourhood
Lesson 24:I need a map!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 5:My future
Lesson 25:I want to be a teacher!
Lesson 26:What will I be?
Lesson 27:What's your advice?
Lesson 28:Rich or poor? It doesn't matter!
Lesson 29:Our ambitions and dreams
Lesson 30:A famous friend?
Review:Unit Review
Unit 6:Go with transportation!
Lesson 31:How do you travel?
Lesson 32:Trains go faster!
Lesson 33:Life on wheels
Lesson 34:Flying donuts
Lesson 35:Future transportation
Lesson 36:Clean cars?
Review:Unit Review
Unit 7:Enjoy your hobby
Lesson 37:What's your hobby?
Lesson 38:Hobbies are fun!
Lesson 39:Danny's hobby
Lesson 40:What's Paul's hobby?
Lesson 40:Show and tell!
Lesson 42:The new club
Review:Unit Review
Unit 8:Celebrating me!
Lesson 43:What makes you unique?
Lesson 44:Georgia plays basketball
Lesson 45:Be yourself!
Lesson 46:My dream
Lesson 47:I made it!
Lesson 48:Li Ming's report
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
Unit 1:Me and my class
Lesson 1:Back to school
Lesson 2:Many faces, one picture
Lesson 3:Getting to know you!
Lesson 4:Best friends
Lesson5:Meet Ms. Liu
Lesson 6:Jenny's week
Review:Unit Review
Unit 2:My favourite school subject
Lesson 7:Don't be late for class!
Lesson 8:E-mails helps!
Lesson 9:I don't want to miss geography!
Lesson 10:Looking for Lisa
Lesson 11:Lily learns about China!
Lesson 12:Karen's hair stood up!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 3:Families celebrate together
Lesson 13:I love autumn
Lesson 14:Happy memories
Lesson 15:A present for Li Ming
Lesson 16:Happy Thanksgiving!
Lesson 17:Presents from Canada!
Lesson 18:Li Ming's birthday
Review:Unit Review
Unit 4:My neighbourhood
Lesson 19:The best neighbourhood
Lesson 20:No stopping!
Lesson 21:Eat a donut and turn right
Lesson 22:I like my neighbourhood
Lesson 23:People in my neighbourhood
Lesson 24:I need a map!
Review:Unit Review
Unit 5:My future
Lesson 25:I want to be a teacher!
Lesson 26:What will I be?
Lesson 27:What's your advice?
Lesson 28:Rich or poor? It doesn't matter!
Lesson 29:Our ambitions and dreams
Lesson 30:A famous friend?
Review:Unit Review
Unit 6:Go with transportation!
Lesson 31:How do you travel?
Lesson 32:Trains go faster!
Lesson 33:Life on wheels
Lesson 34:Flying donuts
Lesson 35:Future transportation
Lesson 36:Clean cars?
Review:Unit Review
Unit 7:Enjoy your hobby
Lesson 37:What's your hobby?
Lesson 38:Hobbies are fun!
Lesson 39:Danny's hobby
Lesson 40:What's Paul's hobby?
Lesson 40:Show and tell!
Lesson 42:The new club
Review:Unit Review
Unit 8:Celebrating me!
Lesson 43:What makes you unique?
Lesson 44:Georgia plays basketball
Lesson 45:Be yourself!
Lesson 46:My dream
Lesson 47:I made it!
Lesson 48:Li Ming's report
Review:Unit Review
Vocabulary and Structures
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- 〖寫雪〗 “雪里已知春信至。寒梅點綴瓊枝膩!
- 〖寫雪〗 “紛紛暮雪下轅門,風掣紅旗凍不翻!
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- 〖寫雪〗 “看雪飛、蘋底蘆梢,未如鬢白!
- 〖寫雪〗 “梅花大庾嶺頭發(fā),柳絮章臺街里飛。”
- 〖寫雪〗 “羅襟濕未干,又是凄涼雪!
- 〖寫雪〗 “城里夕陽城外雪,相將十里異陰晴!
- 〖寫雪〗 “迎醉面,暮雪飛花,幾點黛愁山暝。”
- 〖寫雪〗 “雨雪自飛千嶂外,榆林只隔數(shù)峰西!
- 〖寫雪〗 “增冰峨峨,飛雪千里些!
- 〖寫雪〗 “轡搖銜鐵。蹴踏平原雪!
- 〖寫雪〗 “將軍玉帳貂鼠衣,手持酒杯看雪飛!
- 〖寫雪〗 “三日柴門擁不開,階平庭滿白皚皚!
- 〖寫雪〗 “輕淘起,香生玉塵,雪濺紫甌圓!
- 〖寫雪〗 “亂石穿空,驚濤拍岸,卷起千堆雪!
- 〖寫雪〗 “夜來城外一尺雪,曉駕炭車輾冰轍!
- 〖寫雪〗 “千尺陰崖塵不到,惟有層冰積雪!
- 〖寫雪〗 “橫笛聞聲不見人,紅旗直上天山雪!
- 〖寫雪〗 “天山雪后海風寒,橫笛偏吹行路難!
- 〖寫雪〗 “天仙碧玉瓊瑤,點點揚花,片片鵝毛!
- 〖寫雪〗 “散關(guān)三尺雪,回夢舊鴛機!
- 〖寫雪〗 “日暮詩成天又雪,與梅并作十分春!
- 〖寫雪〗 “半夜倚喬松,不覺滿衣雪!
- 〖寫雪〗 “行人日暮少,風雪亂山深!
- 〖寫雪〗 “最愛東山晴后雪,軟紅光里涌銀山。”
- 〖寫雪〗 “侵陵雪色還萱草,漏泄春光有柳條!
- 〖寫雪〗 “驅(qū)馬天雨雪,軍行入高山!