Unit 1:Going to Beijing
Lesson 1:I am excited!
Lesson 2:What are you doing?
Lesson 3:Who is singing?
Lesson 4:Who is hungry?
Lesson 5:What are they doing?
Lesson 6:Danny is lost!
Unit 2:In Beijing
Lesson 7:Arriving in Beijing
Lesson 8:Tian'anmen Square
Lesson 9:The Palace Museum
Lesson 10:The Great Wall
Lesson 11:Shopping in Beijing
Lesson 12:Danny is lost!
Unit 3:Writing home
Lesson 13:Let's buy postcards!
Lesson 14:Jenny writes a postcard
Lesson 15:Sending the postcards
Lesson 16:An email is fast
Lesson 17:Danny's email
Lesson 18:Little Zeke sends an email
Unit 4:Did you have a nice trip?
Lesson 19:Li Ming comes home
Lesson 20:Jenny goes home
Lesson 21:Look at the photos!
Lesson 22:Gifts for everyone
Lesson 23:An email from Li Ming
Lesson 24:A gift for little Zeke
The tortoise and the hare
The dog and the bone
Three little pigs
Unit 1:Going to Beijing
Lesson 1:I am excited!
Lesson 2:What are you doing?
Lesson 3:Who is singing?
Lesson 4:Who is hungry?
Lesson 5:What are they doing?
Lesson 6:Danny is lost!
Unit 2:In Beijing
Lesson 7:Arriving in Beijing
Lesson 8:Tian'anmen Square
Lesson 9:The Palace Museum
Lesson 10:The Great Wall
Lesson 11:Shopping in Beijing
Lesson 12:Danny is lost!
Unit 3:Writing home
Lesson 13:Let's buy postcards!
Lesson 14:Jenny writes a postcard
Lesson 15:Sending the postcards
Lesson 16:An email is fast
Lesson 17:Danny's email
Lesson 18:Little Zeke sends an email
Unit 4:Did you have a nice trip?
Lesson 19:Li Ming comes home
Lesson 20:Jenny goes home
Lesson 21:Look at the photos!
Lesson 22:Gifts for everyone
Lesson 23:An email from Li Ming
Lesson 24:A gift for little Zeke
The tortoise and the hare
The dog and the bone
Three little pigs
上一章節(jié):Lesson 7:Arriving in Beijing 上一頁|下一頁 下一章節(jié):Lesson 9:The Palace Museum
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- 高一音樂必修1 音樂鑒賞(粵教花城版)
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- 《蟬》
- 《八駿圖》
- 《許由廟》
- 《干越亭》
- 《江南》
- 《哭張博士太常》
- 《題司空圖壁》
- 《泛香亭》
- 《玉聲亭》
- 《句》
- 《題新榜(在浙幕,沈崧得新榜示題其末)》
- 《杏花》
- 《題磻溪垂釣圖》
- 《遇邊使》
- 《岐王宅》
- 《鄧表山》
- 《冬》
- 《春》
- 《春日題航頭橋》
- 《上子男壽昌宰》
- 《枯木詩辭召命作》
- 《題玉芝雙奉院》
- 《吊賈島》
- 《及第后宿平康里詩》
- 《致孫狀元訴醵罰錢》
- 《長安旅懷》
- 《金陵晚望》
- 《吳門春雨》
- 《華清宮》
- 《關(guān)中》
- 〖田園〗 “卜鄰近三徑,植果盈千樹!
- 〖田園〗 “五月雖熱麥風(fēng)清,檐頭索索繰車鳴!
- 〖田園〗 “持斧伐遠揚,荷鋤覘泉脈。”
- 〖田園〗 “高田如樓梯,平田如棋局。”
- 〖田園〗 “千層石樹遙行路,一帶山田放水聲!
- 〖田園〗 “方慚不耕者,祿食出閭里!
- 〖田園〗 “久在樊籠里,復(fù)得返自然!
- 〖田園〗 “水滿田疇稻葉齊,日光穿樹曉煙低!
- 〖田園〗 “桑野就耕父,荷鋤隨牧童!
- 〖田園〗 “萬頃風(fēng)濤不記蘇。雪晴江上麥千車。”
- 〖田園〗 “投策命晨裝,暫與園田疏!
- 〖田園〗 “倉稟無宿儲,徭役猶未已!
- 〖田園〗 “牛靿咤咤,田確確,旱塊敲牛蹄趵趵!
- 〖田園〗 “望斷金馬門,勞歌采樵路!
- 〖田園〗 “田舍清明日,家家出火遲!
- 〖田園〗 “及茲春未深,數(shù)畝猶足佃。”
- 〖田園〗 “出耒在明晨,山寒易霜霰。”
- 〖田園〗 “蠶無夏織桑充寨,田廢春耕犢勞軍!
- 〖田園〗 “登車宿遷北,萬頃鋪瓊田!
- 〖田園〗 “豈知民力艱,顆米皆琳瑯!
- 〖田園〗 “狗吠深巷中,雞鳴桑樹顛。”
- 〖田園〗 “六月禾未秀,官家已修蒼!
- 〖田園〗 “田家占氣候,共說此年豐。”
- 〖田園〗 “綠桑高下映平川,賽罷田神笑語喧!
- 〖田園〗 “白水明田外,碧峰出山后。”
- 〖田園〗 “客行野田間,比屋皆閉戶!
- 〖田園〗 “老農(nóng)家貧在山住,耕種山田三四畝!
- 〖田園〗 “力田已告成,計日宜收藏。”
- 〖田園〗 “重鑄鋤犁作斤,姑舂婦擔(dān)去輪官,輸官不足歸賣屋!
- 〖邊塞〗 “君不見走馬川行雪海邊,平沙莽莽黃入天!